About us
Company registered at the following address:
6 Thornes Office Park
Monckton Road
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Please use the Contact Us form in the help menu to send a message. Our preferred method of customer support is via email. We aim to answer all emails within one business day. The phone number listed below is only an phone in order line. For all other queries please use the contact us form.
Telephone +44 (0) 113 815 0185 (Phone in order line only)
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday 09.00 - 18.00. Saturday 10.00 - 14.00
Our products and services have been created and selected for individuals who love cars and wish to improve the character and soul of their Italian cars.
We supply tuning, racing and styling parts to an exceptional standard. Our dedication is in the detail.
To become a member please sign up for free membership and get special advantages inclusive our free newsletter. Sign in using our secure server. Creating a new account requires no creditcard or financial information until you decide to buy.